Lemp Mansion

Located in St. Louis, Missouri, the mansion was owned by the Lemp family – a family beseeched by tragedy.  Four of the members of this beer-brewing dynasty committed suicide; three of them actually ended their lives inside the mansion doors opening, shutting, locking, and unlocking on their own; and candles lighting on their own.

Some of the reports of paranormal activity inside Lemp Mansion include apparitions, cold spots, lights that turn on-and-off, disembodied voices, poltergeist like activity such as drinks flying through the air and crashing on the floor, the piano in the bar playing by itself;

Visitors to the mansion report feeling as if they are being watched and  sensing an atmosphere of sadness.  Seances have been held in the mansion and the outcome of these seances seems to be that most of the paranormal activity is related to the ghost of Charles Lemp.

Even so, probably the most common apparition is a woman dressed in lavender known as “The Lavender Lady.” The apparition is believed to be Lillian Lemp, the wife of William Lemp, Jr. Lillian was known for wearing lavender and is always seen in a lavender gown.

Today, the mansion is a restaurant and inn. The mansion attracts ghost hunters from everywhere, and offers weekly ghost tours as well as Murder Mystery Theaters.

Find out more about the Lemp Mansion by visiting the official site here.

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